
Informatie voor mijn vriendenkring over wat er allemaal gaande is in de "Pacific Islands Bible College" op Guam

Friday, August 31, 2007

The latest news from Holland.

A week ago I finished Elementary Greek. I worked very hard and received a 93. I though that it would be an A but it was only a B+. The school told me that they are trying to bring their grading system more in line with the European system. For an A you need to have 95 or more. One of our students from Serbia said that only God can get a 100%, the teacher will score around 90% and the best students are in the high 80s. It is a good way to show the differences in grading. The faculty of Tyndale is mostly from the US and like I said, they are trying to adapt to the European grading system. Unfortunatly they did not change everything. In Europe 55% is a passing grade but at Tyndale it is still 60%. Anyway I am doing very well and Monday Fall semester starts with Elementary Hebrew and Intermediate Greek and three other courses. I am not worried about the other courses but both Hebrew and Greek scares me.
Every week a check the PIBC webside so I know what is going on. I was sorry to hear that Steve had to leave and I will remember him in my prayers. I was good to hear that Jens will take his place and that the dorm are filled up. I hope you will have less problems with students this year than we had last year.
I am going to finish because this afternoon I have to go to town to buy a new laptop. My old one broke down.
Greetings to everyone and God bless



At 7:43 PM, Blogger HLodge said...

waiioo!!! Peter, I hope you are enjoying your time because we surely do miss you here!


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